Spätschicht 2024

Late layer 2024

Also this year takes the Stölzle Lausitz GmbH participated in the annual late shift.Guided tours will be offered every hour from 2 p.m. The last tour will take place at 6 p.m.If you are interested,...
Rezept: Spargelrisotto

Recipe: asparagus risotto

The asparagus time is finally here! This spring vegetable is not only delicious, but also rich in vitamins and minerals. In Germany, asparagus period usually begins in April and ends in June. Durin...
Neues Whiskyglas von Stölzle Lausitz

New whiskey glass of Stölzle Lausitz

The same right for everyone: The right of drinks of a glass is no longer an issue for wine glasses. The distillates also earn balanced glasses for special enjoyment. Sometimes learned shapes are al...
Leopold Grupp ist neuer Geschäftsführer (CEO) der Stölzle Lausitz GmbH

Leopold Grupp is the new managing director (CEO) of the Stölzle Lausitz GmbH

WhiteWater, March 18, 2022. In January 2022, Leopold Grupp has the management of the traditional company Stölzle Lausitz taken over. Together with the technical managing director Ronald Brieger, he...
Stölzle Lausitz lädt zur "Spätschicht" ein

Stölzle Lausitz invites you to the "late shift"

Whitewater. It already has a tradition: the late shift to which companies in Lusatia open their goals on November 5, 2021 and gave interested parties an insight into their production and operating ...
Herbstmessen 2021: Stölzle Lausitz lädt wieder ein

Autumn fairs 2021: Stölzle Lausitz invites you again

Whitewater. You have to feel the quality of a drinking glass, a description can never be recorded by the entirety of brilliance, feel and design language. It is all the more understandable that Stö...
Heiß und kalt - Doppelwandige Gläser von Stölzle Lausitz

Hot and cold - double -walled glasses of Stölzle Lausitz

Extended with the new glasses of the Coffee ´n more Stölzle Lausitz The functional possible uses of his glass range. Because the double -walled glass cups are suitable for hot drinks from coffee a...
Stölzle auf der AMBIENTE - Kreatives Spiel mit Farben und Funktionen

Stölzle on the ambience - creative game with colors and functions

Spring innovations 2018 from Stölzle Lausitz Presented from February 9, 2018 Stölzle Lausitz His innovations on the ambience in Frankfurt/Main, the world's largest consumer goods fair. At Stand D2...
Glasserie Power erhält iF Design Award

Glassery Power receives IF Design Award

Collective passion With the IF Design Award the Glasserie receives Power from Stölzle Lausitz The second renowned design price in a few weeks. The award with the IF Design Award through the world's...