Whitewater. That Stölzle Lausitz is consistent in its product development is no secret. The step is also consistent to use the proven glassmaker competence and creativity in the area of the glass cut. And that is now rewarded: the new series from the established NEW YORK BAR Glasses collection, "Club" and "Manhattan“, Have made it to the top with a cut. They were at the beginning of May with the Tableware International Award of Excellence 2021 awarded in the 'Barware' category.
The concentrates NEW YORK BAR Glass collection by Stölzle Lausitz in their straightforward formal language for the essentials, the two decorative sacrifices take care of “Manhattan"And" Club "each for that certain something that gives the after-work drink as well as the aperitif or digestif.
The decorative cut "Manhattan“The aspiring straightness of the district of the same name takes up, while“ Club ”as a diagonal cut gives the glasses a stimulating dynamic.
Like the design itself, the execution of the matt cut is reduced. The lines of the straight "Manhattan“Griff and the diagonal“ Club ”cut take the lead here in the eye of the viewer. The high -quality clear crystal glass corresponds casually with the opaque grinding. Depending on the contents of the glass and color of the drink, the light breaks playfully on the individual lines.
The international 21-member jury consisting of representatives from the areas of trade and tableware design also recognized the idea behind this classic stylistic device with the Tableware International Award of Excellence 2021. “It is the first time for us that we are this renowned award under 176 submissions of leaders Brands win worldwide. We are pleased that we have just made it to the top with our aesthetically demanding cuts to the winner's staircase, ”said Saskia Schimann, Marketing Manager of Stölzle Lausitz GmbH with a view to the design competence of the glass manufacturer.
In addition, the Lausitz company was used with the series “STARlight“Nominated as a finalist in the 'Hospitality Glassware' category. The gobleters STARlight has a pronounced lightness - machine glass has never been so close to oral glass. Because Stölzle Lausitz, as one of the few glass manufacturers worldwide, implements the mechanical drawing process in a permanently high quality. The Grazil-slim stem with a diameter of around ten percent lower than with conventional mechanically produced glasses and the delicate-thin-walled chalice give this glass series a very attractive elegance. That these glasses too Stölzle Lausitz Nature features of breaking resistance and dishwasher appropriation are typical of the products of the German glass manufacturer.
“Accepting prices is not uncommon for Stölzle Lausitz, But this international recognition of our glassmaker's art 'Made in Germany' is also a milestone that sustainably underlines our renoma, ”emphasizes Saskia Schimann.