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Responsible action and gentle use of resources

These are the keys for our future. Therefore we put bigIn terms of minimizing our environmental impact from raw material extraction to production to delivery. Most of our products are in our own work in Weißwasser Made and are therefore "made in Germany." The raw materials are largely from the Lausitzer region, which briefly kept transport routes and reduce our CO2 footprint. When purchasing machines, materials and packaging, we prefer to work with regional suppliers to ensure a sustainable ecological balance. 

Our glasses are lead -free and free of harmful substances, which not only guarantees their recyclability, but also enables 100%recycling of our own broken glass. Our packaging is FSC certified (Forest Stewardship Council) and the filling material and pallets are made of recyclable material. As an active participant in the EU Emission Trading Scheme, we use the latest technologies to continuously reduce greenhouse gas emissions, for example by renewing our filter system. 

With DIN EN ISO 50001, we introduced an energy management system to further increase energy efficiency through the establishment of suitable systems and processes. All glasses that do not meet our quality standards are completely recycled, and by introducing an electric boosting in our melt tanks, we have significantly reduced our gas consumption and CO2 emissions. At the same time, we increased our efficiency. Water cooling in production takes place with collected rainfall water, which prevents the use of drinking water. The waste heat from the production is used to heat all buildings and water in the social wing without additional energy sources. We are particularly proud that we received our first DIN EN ISO 9001 certification for quality management systems in 2023 in order to further promote efficiency, effectiveness and customer satisfaction. 

What does FSC mean?

Nicht nur bei der Glasproduktion und Lieferketten, sondern auch bei der Verpackung legen wir hohen Wert aus Nachhaltigkeit. That is why we use FSC-certified materials for our packaging.

The FSC seal (Forest Stewardship Council) guarantees that the wood used comes from responsible forests. That means:

  • Protection of biodiversity
  • Fair working conditions
  • Sustainable forestry without overexploitation
Glasses detect