Heiß und kalt - Doppelwandige Gläser von Stölzle Lausitz

Hot and cold - double -walled glasses of Stölzle Lausitz

Extended with the new glasses of the Coffee ´n more Stölzle Lausitz The functional possible uses of his glass range. Because the double -walled glass cups are suitable for hot drinks from coffee and its variants to tea as well as for cold things that should stay cool for a long time.

For the shape of the double -walled, oral thermal glasses of Stölzle Lausitz stood the oriental Tea Glass Godfather. In the four different sizes of these glasses, espresso can be served as stylish as a cappuccino or a latte macchiato. And the herb or black tea also comes into its own here. Due to the double wall principle, the outside of the glasses do not become hot even when the hot drink is filled and can be kept comfortable.

The new double -walled glasses do not only play their qualities only in hot drinks. How about a refreshing aperitif during the summer festival that stays cool for a long time? The insulating effect of the air layer between the two glass walls also makes this possible. And here, too, the temperature does not transmit from the inside out - or in this case: not from the warm hand to the cool drink. That is why the glasses are also for soft drinks, cocktails or one White Wine ideal.

The coffee ´n More products made from borosilicate glass are dishwasher-safe. The four variants have a volume of 90 ml, 180 ml, 230 ml or 330 ml. The organic shape always ensures a flattering grip of the glasses.