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Article: "Click & Meet" in factory sales

"Click & Meet" im Werksverkauf

"Click & Meet" in factory sales

Whitewater. "Click & Meet" - so "Click & Meet" - this is the new option in Stölzle Lausitz Factory sale in Whiteto buy water. From March 8, 2021, customers may browse through the range and shop on site, according to the current provisions and in compliance with the applicable hygiene regulations. The appointment is made via email about werksverkauf@stoelzle-lausitz.de or by phone (03576/268268)

The factory sale is open every week from Tuesday to Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

In addition, glasses can continue to be ordered via the factory sale. The team is happy to answer questions about the collection, the availability of products or service.

Stölzle Lausitz präsentiert digitalen Showroom

Stölzle Lausitz Presented digital showroom

WhiteWater/Radebeul. With a digital showroom goes Stölzle Lausitz One step further in the digital product presentation. In the new 360-degree panorama, the collections can be discovered and conside...

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Einkaufen per "Click & Collect" im Werksverkauf

Shopping by "Click & Collect" in factory sales

Whitewater. Gratifying news for all friends of good glasses from Lausitz: the factory sale of Stölzle Lausitz Open again - under special conditions. From Monday, February 15, 2021, Saxony enables l...

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