Stoelzle Lausitz Weisswein Kelch Starlight 410 ml
Stoelzle Lausitz Weisswein Kelch Starlight 410 ml
Stoelzle Lausitz Weisswein Kelch Starlight 410 ml
Stoelzle Lausitz Weisswein Kelch Starlight 410 ml

Stölzle Lausitz

White Wine Goblet STARlight Set of 6

Sale price73,50 €

Including VAT, excluding shipping
Delivery time: 3-5 days

SKU: 2450002-1
In stock

White Wine Goblet Set of 6


The White Wine Goblet Starlight is an appealing wine kitchen made of high -quality crystal glass, which is ideal for enjoying WhiteCry. With its slim and delicate shape, it gives each table an elegant note.

With a capacity of 360 ml, the White Wine Goblet Starlight enough space for an appropriate amount Wine. The stable foot of the chalice ensures a secure position on the table.

In summary, the White Wine Goblet Starlight the perfect choice for wine lovers who have a stylish and robust Wine Cup search for the special properties of Whitebrings out crying.